Sunday, January 31, 2010

Meet Ryan and Max

so to check off #1 on my short list, lets meet ryan and max!

ryan douglas
nicknames- ry, ry ry, fry guy
birthday - 6/28/07
chinese zodiac- the uber special golden pig
zodiac sign- cancer

favorite food- anything korean, cake, ice cream, goldfish crackers

hobbies- watching ppoong ppoongie(the orange korean character that farts), running in the middle of the street, and waving to complete strangers

random tidbits- ryan was born 4 weeks early during one of the HOTTEST weeks in the desert(118 degrees with humidity). he was born with an extra chromosome(aka Down syndrome) and has to work extra hard at doing simple things that come so natural to "typical" babies. he has come so far and i couldn't be any more proud of him. he has got a major case of the terrible twos and loves to climb up onto tables and other high places and perform his ppoong ppoongie dance. most of the time he loves his "little" brother and give out lots of kisses and hugs. right now he's really into imitating everyone. not a single day goes by that i don't laugh, scream, and pull my hair out.

maxon tino
nicknames- max, maxers, maxaroni
birthday- 8/29/09
chinese zodiac- cow
zodiac sign- virgo

favorite food- mommy's milk-fresh not frozen

hobbies- tummy time, watching big brother ryan, and crying

random tidbits- max was born 1 week early and weighed a whopping 8lbs 11oz...kinda big considering i'm not that big of a person. he was born with the typical 46 chromosomes, but has cranky pants syndrome. this kid just LOVES to cry. at 5 months i have to admit that it is getting a *little* bit better. he is smiling a lot and when he does his mouth opens up super wide. he is grabbing everything in sight and loves to put it all in his mouth.

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