motherhood is an amazing thing. i have never felt this overwhelming amount of love for anyone or anything before. it's also a bit scary too, especially because ryan has down syndrome. so far we have been so blessed that he has no health problems and especially blessed that he has no heart problems. he's also reaching each milestone within his age range and even ahead in some! despite that, i worry. i worry about his future. i worry about how society will treat him. i worry about whether he'll have friends. i want to hold him in my arms and sheild him from anything and everything that will hurt him, but i know i can't. he has already grown so much. every week i get teary eyed as a new outfit that was once too big, fits.
God has given me ryan so i know He has faith in craig and i to raise this beautiful child. i just hope that despite everything ryan will go through in life, he'll always know that his mommy and daddy love him.
God has given me ryan so i know He has faith in craig and i to raise this beautiful child. i just hope that despite everything ryan will go through in life, he'll always know that his mommy and daddy love him.